Sunday, March 15, 2020

You're an extrovert
so I get why you asked me
if I mind at all
the quarantine/pandemic.
Being that I'm an empath.


Not that I'm not scared
but being an introvert
my space is not jail
but it's a sanctuary
even during quarantine


I was feeling like
I needed a change in life.
Now everything's changed,
as though from out of the blue,
not just for me, but for you.


Still I like to sit
at this screen after bedtime,
this is one constant
amidst all of the changes
here I am again, hello

Saturday, March 14, 2020

I know it’s poison
But I get angry inside
Need to pound some clay.
With thanks to Mister Rogers
And to those who challenge me.


Apparently it
Takes two weeks to make the mold
of a person’s ear
So said the doctor to a
patient, in the waiting room.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Mauve is the color
Taste and texture halava
It's a straining time
Purple and pink diluted
Peculiar flavor and feel