Sunday, May 17, 2015


Freedom in freedom,
Is it the right way to go?
Wynton Marsalis shakes his head no
"No freedom in freedom," he says
"only freedom in structure"
It's de rigueur

Talmudic rabbis agree
This we must understand
In Egypt, Israel, any land
There is no free man
Without the Torah of G-d.


Structureless poems;
do they exist? he asks me.
I think of Wynton:
"There's no freedom in freedom,
only freedom in strucure."

Thursday, May 14, 2015

42: Tanka of Shame

We can be convinced
and shamed into believing
that we are no good.
Those who made us feel that way
are mistaken... What a shame.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

5 A.M.

All I want is more
(of many things- but not gas)
Now I want more sleep
At 6 I'll want my soul back
And to get to work on time